Home Staging
I get tangible results from using the owner's existing furniture and filling in with
my own inventory of art, lighting, small furnishings and accessories. This a dramatic, but cost-effective
way to ensure your home sells quickly.
This home is in the historic Webster Compound on Garcia Street in Santa Fe. I had just downsized the owner into an Independent Living community there, then staged her home for sale. Although declining for quite a while, she was able to continue living at home with the help of many caring friends. Home maintenance and tidiness were not a priority, and the property needed much attention before we could event think of staging it. After her move to Brookdale Santa Fe came the task of de-cluttering, correcting much deferred maintenance, and major clean-up in the lovely but overgrown yard. Many of her remaining furnishings were used in the staging, plus much additional artwork, bedding, small furnishings and accessories that I provided. The new buyers purchased many of my client’s remaining furnishings, feeling that they looked so at home there. Please click here for more images, and click on each photo to see full-frame.
The elderly gentleman who owned this home wanted to move back to Texas to be closer to family. Living alone for so long had contributed to a deep level of clutter, deferred maintenance, and lots of dust! After helping my client decide what to take with him, and also what would remain to support the staging process, I began clearing out the house…..donating as much as possible to local charities, and having the rest removed to the landfill (always the last resort). Then came repairing several structural and aesthetic issues, a deep cleaning throughout, and finally a pleasing re-arrangement of the remaining furniture. This home was on the edge of beautiful Pueblo lands, with spectacular views all around. It sold quickly. Please click here for more images.
I moved the owner of this large Taos home into The Taos Retirement Village a couple of years after the passing of his wife. His family then asked me to stage his home for sale. Because I had downsized him into a much smaller apartment, there was fortunately quite a bit of furniture and artwork to work with. I provided lighting, bedding, and accessories. The “little buckaroo’s” bedroom was very popular at the showings, as was the luxe bedding in the primary suite, both with many custom touches. The home sold within 2 weeks of listing. Please click here for more images.
Alas, we are all aware that sometimes a property has been grossly neglected by a tenant, or even the owner. My team and I were called in to clear out this home and correct a lot of damage and abuse, including mold abatement and removal of landscape debris. Occasionally, a clean but empty home shows best. This property received multiple cash offers before hitting the market. Please click here for more images.
“We owned a rental property in Taos and lived out of state. When we decided to sell the home, we visited and found it to be in extremely poor condition. We met with Karen and developed a plan to bring the house back to reasonable shape. Karen’s services included removal of overgrown shrubs and some landscaping, removal of junk and debris, and a thorough cleaning of the property. As a result, we were able to sell in a short period, all within our agreed budget. We strongly recommend Karen!”
““I found Karen through another friend who had used her the previous year. After she seamlessly relocated me from my home of 32 years into an Assisted Living community in Santa Fe, Karen staged my home for sale in such a way that it felt irresistible to our dream buyer. She filled it full of Santa Fe soul and charm. I still miss that house!””